Dhaka University 7 college Arts & Sociology unit admission test question solution has been published on our website. Dhaka University authority declared that DU 7 college Arts & Sociology unit Admission Test will be held on 19 August 2022. According to their previous notice, today DU 7 college Arts & Sociology unit Admission Test examination has ended.
We have collected the admission test question and made the most accurate correction to the question paper. If you want to get admitted into DU 7 college Arts & Sociology unit and participated in the admission test. This article is for you. You can justify your answer with the correction of the question paper that we provided on our website. Then you will be sure about your position in the examination.
Download DU 7 College কলা ও সমাজবিজ্ঞান Unit Question Solution 2022
So download the DU 7 college Arts & Sociology unit admission test question solution from the below link and be sure about your total correction mark.
7 College Arts & Sociology Unit Question Solution 2022
The highest number of seats are available in the Dhaka University 7 college Arts & Sociology unit faculty. So it is a little bit easier for the students to get a chance into the 7 college Arts & Sociology unit faculty. If you eat discuss the DU 7 college Arts & Sociology faculties subject. Then there is a huge number of subjects available here. Bangla English History Philosophy Islamic History and Culture Islamic Studies Economics Political Science Sociology Geography Psychology Statistic Mathematics and so on.
So there is a big chance for the students to get admitted into one of those subjects. The subject and college depend on the total marks that you obtained in the admission test. So every student is in an agitation situation after the examination. We have published DU 7 college Arts & Sociology unit admission test question solutions for removing their anxiety.
Click here to download the 7 college Arts & Sociology unit question solution 2022 and make the correction of your answer.
7 College Admission Test Question Solution 2022
7 College admission test examination is one of the biggest admission test exams after the GST admission test exam. The examination was held on 11 a.m. And ended at 12:00 p.m. If you discuss the 7 college Arts & Sociology unit question paper. The total marks for the question were 100. Here 25 marks for Bangla 25 marks for English and 25 marks were for general knowledge.
There is a question in the student’s mind from where the questions were selected for general knowledge. The subject from which general knowledge questions were selected was Bangladesh And International Affairs, Sociology, Civic, History, Islamic History, Logic, Geography And Religion. So the candidates who had a good preposition in this subject made well in the examination. In this regard,
if you know your position, then click here to download DU 7 college Arts & Sociology unit admission test question solution.
Dhaka University 7 College Arts & Sociology Unit PDF Question Solution 2022
Dhaka University 7 college Arts & Sociology unit PDF question solution is now available for the candidates to download. So download the question and makes you about your score. The candidates have to apply for the college and subject chosen after the result is published. This is stage very important for the students and some students made a mistake. If you make a mistake in this stage then you may miss your college and subject. Let’s discuss these 7 college subjects and the college choice system. After the publication of the result, you will be sure about your score.
সাত কলেজ কলা ও সমাজবিজ্ঞান ইউনিট প্রশ্ন সমাধান ২০২২
Then apply for this subject and colleges according to your score. First of all, we have to select your college and then subject. If your score is not very high and you want to get admit your selective subject. Don’t choose the top colleges like Dhaka, or Eden. If you do that you may not get your selected subject or even you may not get a chance any of the subjects of this college. So please make sure about your confidence in this school before selecting your subject and college.
So download the PDF file of DU 7 college Arts & Sociology unit question solution and be prepared for the subject and college chosen.