Class 8 Science, Arts and Crafts Assignment Answer 2021 [4th Week]

Class 8 Science and Arts & Crafts assignments of the 4th week are available here. Dear students of class 8, you have already got the assignment notice from the website. Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation, the directorate of the secondary and higher secondary education board has made a decision to evaluate the students through the online assignments. As your school’s class has been suspended, so you need a proper guideline for writing assignments. Here we provide you the most accurate solution based on your assignment topics.

As like as the previous 3 weeks assignment, You will get the 4th-week assignment on our website based on the topics. Your selected subjects for the 4th week’s assignment are Science and Arts & Crafts (Charu o Karu kola). Besides, these two subjects, you will get Bangla, English, Mathematics and other subject’s assignment according to the notice.

বঙ্গবন্ধু ও বাংলাদেশ প্রবন্ধ রচনা। ৮ম শ্রেণী ৫ম সপ্তাহ বাংলা এসাইনমেন্ট উত্তর 2021।

৮ম শ্রেণীর ৫ম সপ্তাহের বাংলা এসাইনমেন্টের উত্তর দেখুন এখানে।

Table of Contents

Class 8 Assignment

Class 8 is very important for student life. Because you will appear board exam in this year. You know it is impossible to take your exam physically in your school. So, the authority of the secondary and higher secondary education board has decided to take the assignment from you instead of your Board exam. You will get all assignments of all subjects of all the weeks from the website.


Class 8 Assignment-2021

Keeping the trend of 2020. The directorate of the secondary and higher secondary education board has published their Assignment notification-2021. Depending on your assignment, you will be promoted to class 9 and get the JSC exam certificate. So, be careful about completing your assignment. Here, we will provide you all the error-less solution of class seven assignment-2021

Class 8 All Subjects Assignment-2021

This year’s assignment may be the alternative to the JSC board exam. Your JSC result may be published by evaluating your assignment paper. So, complete your assignment with deep attention. Here the solution of all subjects assignment is given for you. Download it and complete your assignment.

Class 8 Science Assignment 4th Week

Before writing the answer, you have to understand the topic. For that, everybody goes to the official website But they could not find the right topics among the huge amount of topics. Here you can download the topics for free of cost. We provide you the images and pdf of the science assignment 4th-week topics.  Click here to download.

From the given chart of the science assignment topics, you have to write about your known animals. Then you have to write the merits and demerits of that animals. You also have to write a list of that animals. Here you have to mention the type, characteristics, and their living place in the chart.

Class 8 Science Assignment 4th Week solution

Dear students of class 8. Don’t be worry about your assignment. In This section, we delivered you the best answers for your betterment. You will get the most accurate solution from our website. Generally, The authority of the Education board wants that Students complete their Answers from their textbooks. So, We provide you a textbook-based solution so that it will be granted to the authority. Since your merit position or promotion to the next class depends on the assignment, you must collect the right answer from us. And complete this with care. Click here to download the answer to the assignment for the 4th week.

চিংড়ি, মৌমাছি, ফিতা কৃমি, সাপ, কাক, তারা মাছ, ঝিনুক, রুই মাছ, বিড়াল, হাইড্রা প্রাণীগুলাে
থেকে যে কোনো ৮টির পর্ব, বৈশিষ্ট্য ও বাসস্থান উল্লেখ করে একটি ছক তৈরি কর। এগুলোর মধ্যে
থেকে তোমার পরিচিত প্রাণীগুলোর কিরুপ প্রভাব তোমার জীবনে রয়েছে তা উল্লেখ কর।

প্রশ্নের উত্তর পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।

Class 8 Arts And Crafts Assignment 4th Week

The Authority of the secondary and higher secondary education board has given a special concern to the Arts and Crafts assignment in 2021. Some students do not pay any importance to this subject. But you can’t do that this year. Because your promotion of class 9 depends on this subject assignment also. Take the topics of Arts and Crafts from the website. Note this and follow the instruction with deep attention below.

Class 8 Arts And Crafts Assignment 4th Week Answer

In this section, you can download the Arts and Crafts Answer from our website. We prepared the answer based on the textbook. Which is most important to complete your assignment. Our experts always research your assignment in the different books for a better answer. By copying that you will obtain the best marks that help you to get your desired merit position. So, give your best attention to this subject. Click here to download the answer and make your assignment.

গায়ে হলুদ অনুষ্ঠানে কারুশিল্পের ব্যবহার এবং তার নান্দনিক দিকগুলি মূল্যায়ন কর।


০১। কোন্ কোন্ ক্ষেত্রে কারুশিল্পের ব্যবহার করা হয় তা চিহ্নিত কর। (যেমন: কুলা, ডালা)
০২। কী কী উপকরণ ও কীভাবে নান্দনিক রূপ দেয়া হয় তা’ উল্লেখ কর। নির্দেশনা: তােমার দেখা কোন গায়ে হলুদের অনুষ্ঠানের অভিজ্ঞতার আলােকে লিখ।

উপরের প্রশ্নের উত্তর পেতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।

Download Class 8 Assignment -2021

Free of charge, you can download your assignment solution from Many of you downloaded your 1st, 2nd, 3rd weeks assignment from our website. We provide you different formats to download. Such as, You can download your answer in JPG, pdf, and clear image format. So don’t worry about your assignment. Complete your assignment according to our direction and achieve your best marks. Click here to download.

Class 8 Assignment in Bangla

According to the education board’s direction, You have to write an English assignment in English. Otherwise, you must write other subjects assignments in Bangla if you are a student of Bangla medium. We made all assignments in the Bengali language for your betterment. Click here to download the class seven assignment in Bangla.

Final Word

Finally, Our expert team wants to say that all our assignment is correct. So you can download the assignment without any hesitation. We will provide you all the assignment solutions for all weeks serially. So stay with us and grab your educational help from our expert team.

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